We cannot do without your donation. As we work with volunteers only, the Greenlandic people directly benefit from your gift. Thank you for your support.
Our account for donation transfers:
Native Greenland Foundation
IBAN: NL10TRIO 0320 184 927
BIC / Swift code: TRIONL2U
Or use Paypal:

ANBI status: Our foundation is approved by Dutch tax authority as “Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling ANBI”. For more information, please visit www.belastingdienst.nl/anbi
To show our gratitude for your gift for the Native people of Greenland, we like to do something in return. We love to share wisdom with you.
Transfer your donation to our bankaccount AND send us your details below. Within a few days you receive a link to an online wisdom video.

Native people are a natural source of wisdom
Thanks to our sponsors: